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Table 4 subordinate clauses behaving as... (Danish and German)

From: Clause complexing in systemic functional lingustics – towards an alternative description

Subordinate clauses behaving as…

Constituents (viz. embedded clauses)

Hypotactically related clauses (viz. β-clauses)

•All subordinate clauses related by a temporal conjunction (e.g. Dan. når, Germ. wenn [when])

•All subordinate clauses related by a cause: result conjunction (e.g. Dan. således at, Germ. so dass [so that])

•All subordinate clauses related by a manner: comparison conjunction (e.g. Dan. ligesom, Germ. wie [like])

•All subordinate clauses related by a condition: concessive conjunction (e.g. Dan. selvom, Germ. obwohl [although])

•Some subordinate clauses related by a causal conjunction (e.g. Dan. fordi, Germ. weil [because], Dan. hvis, Germ. wenn [if].)

•All subordinate clauses related by an addition: adversative conjunction (e.g. Dan. mens, Germ. während [while])

•Some subordinate clauses related by a causal conjunction (e.g. Dan. da, eftersom Germ. da, zumal [since].)

•Some subordinate clauses related by a conditional conjunction (when these realise conditions relating to the experiential meaning of the superordinate clause)

•Some subordinate clauses related by a conditional conjunction (when these realise interpersonal meaning)